General Manager

Paweł Szmulski

Let’s talk

PL | EN | RU

+48 29 746 33 80

+48 29 691 70 94

About me

My name is Pawel Szmulski and I am an employee of Agaflex company – I am involved in spreading the good news about our innovative products. It comes to my mind easily – the thought of directing our company is connected with my passions. Water is my element! In the break between acquiring new customers I look for flights to distant parts of the world where I dive, sail and learn business techniques from the best – my mentor is Brian Tracy. However, I do not stop at developing only outside the borders. When I am in Poland, I regularly do boxing, and to have the strength to fight my competition, I train my muscle strength in the gym. My versatility, self-confidence, hitness and a mixture of intelligence and nonchalance allow me to make friends easily, including the beautiful womans. In selling myself and Agaflex products I have no equal, so I warn the competition – don’t even try to get ahead of us – and so it will end up with a knockout in the first round!