Cast-iron connectors

Malleable connectors are offered in black and hot-dip galvanized version. Due to its durability, mechanical strength and temperature resistance the connectors are still very popular.
Threaded pipe connectors of malleable cast iron are universal to transfer liquids and gases, designed to connect threaded elements, with thread sizes from 1/8″ to 4″ accordingto ISO 7-1. External threads are conical, and internal threads – roller. The threads of locknuts and coupling nuts are compatible with PN-EN ISO 228. The connectors are compatible with PN-EN 10242 called Threaded malleable pipe connectors.

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All sizes connectors are suitable for operation at the maximum operating pressures within the ranges specified in the following table. Intermediate pressure values permitted for operation at temperatures between 120 ° C and 300 ° C are obtained by linear interpolation. In normal use connectors lowest operating temperature is -20 ° C.

laczniki_cat_wykresThe connectors are identified with construction symbol depending on material and thread used. Connectors are indicated by symbol “A”, which means that they have a conical external thread – R and straight internal roller thread – Rp and are made of malleable black cast iron class EN- GJMB 350-10.

Malleable black cast iron class EN- GJMB 350-10 is compatible with PN-EN 1562:2012 called Casting-malleable cast iron and its features are the following:

  • extension resistance Rm – 350 MPa,
  • Yield strength Re – 200 MPa,
  • elongation A – 10 %,
  • Hardness (Brinell test method) – 170 HB.